2020 World Heritage Festival Gyeongbuk begins on Friday
Updated: 2020-07-27 17:08:51 KST
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V1e0Ds_3Sk
Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, the home to many of Korea's UNESCO heritage sites, will be showcasing a cultural festival from this week.
The 2020 World Heritage Festival Gyeongbuk will kick off this Friday and run until August 30 in the cities of Andong, Gyeongju and Yeongju.
The inaugural festival promotes the rich cultural heritage of the region, including the Confucian and Buddhist philosophies that spawned from there.
Events include fashion shows with Andong's famous Sambe or hemp fiber and night tours at Korea's oldest private Confucian academy, Sosu Seowon .
As part of COVID-19 measures, visitors will be required to wear masks and adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Reporter : claudiakim@arirang.com
Reference URL:https://www.arirang.com/News/News_View.asp?nseq=262449
새벽에 기어 들어가는 목소리로 대략 15~20회 녹화. 너무 버벅거리면 중간에 스톱.
스크립트를 종이로 프린트 하는게 좋을까, 항상 손에 있을 핸드폰으로 스크립트 체크하는게 좋을까?
먼저 스크립트 준비해서 앵커 영상 10번 들으면서 강세, 띄어 읽는 부분, 억양 체크하고
그대로 10번 읽어 보고 영상 녹화해 보는 것으로 루틴을 잡아 봐야겠다.
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